Every profession regulated under the Health Professions Act (HPA) is required to maintain currency in their practice, as well as enhance and expand their knowledge and skills through a Continuing Competence (CC) program. A key component to the Continuing Competence program is the mandatory CC audit. The CC audit is an assessment of selected regulated member’s competence activities recorded on their profile.
The 2021/2022 CC audit began today, November 8, 2022 and all participants were notified by email. Regulated members are selected at random to participate except for those who are required to participate as a condition due to not meeting requirements in a previous audit. Members who have been selected will have an email from the College that can be found in their inbox as well as in their member portal under the My Emails page. Additionally, selected members will now have access to the My Audits page on the left sidebar in the member portal.
Participants are required to upload supporting documentation in the member portal for all activities claimed in the 2021/2022 CC cycle. To help guide participants when uploading their documentation, a detailed instructions guide can be found here. Submission requirements for the CC Record Audit process including a list of acceptable forms of documentation can be found here.
To help members selected in the audit, the College recently published an article about understanding the audit process and common trends from the last audit.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the College at CC@ABparamedics.com.