The complaints process begins with a complaint about a regulated member.
Complaints can be made by anyone, but typically they come from patients, the public, an employer, or another regulated member.
As not all first responders are registered with the College, it is important to make sure the practitioner you’re concerned about is a regulated member of the College. If you’re not sure, please use the Verify a Member option through this website or call the College to confirm.
It is also important to make sure your complaint is regarding professional conduct.
Second, consider going to the employer, as our regulated members work in many different placements throughout the province. If you know the employer of the practitioner you are concerned about, you may be able to address the issue through a less formal channel to achieve a resolution faster. The employer has a responsibility to manage concerns about their staff, including regulated members and most concerns can be managed at this level.
If you are sure your complaint is related to a regulated member of the College, your concern involves unprofessional conduct on or relating to the practitioner’s delivery of paramedical care and you’re not comfortable contacting the employer, you may consider submitting a complaint.
Examples of unskilled practice and/or unprofessional conduct may involve instances of behaviour or errors that include but are not limited to:
- Unskilled practice
- Assault
- Harassment
- Theft
- Practicing while impaired
- Practicing outside of the designated scope of practice
- Inappropriate use of confidential patient information
- Unethical behaviour that impacts the profession
- Falsifying or fraudulent documentation
- Failure to provide information to the College during an investigation under the HPA
If you require any assistance with the complaint process, contact the College at
Within 30 days of receiving a complaint, the Complaints Director will notify you of the action taken. Under the HPA, the Complaints Director may:
- Encourage you and the practitioner to try to resolve the complaint together
- With your consent and the practitioner’s consent, attempt to resolve the complaint
- Make a referral to a complaint resolution process
- Refer the complaint for investigation
- Dismiss the complaint, if satisfied that the complaint is trivial or vexatious; or if there is insufficient or no evidence of unprofessional conduct
- Make a direction under section 118 of the HPA
If as a complainant you would like to appeal the Complaints Director’s decision to dismiss (or request to have the decision reviewed), you may request in writing and clearly indicate the reasons for the appeal/review. Requests must be received by the College within 30 days of receipt of the original letter that outlined the decision.
The request must include a $100 cheque or money order for the non-refundable application fee.
Note: Complainants who are unable to pay the application fee due to financial circumstances may apply to have the application fee waived. Contact the Hearings Director for the appropriate request waiver.
Please note: Complainants are not permitted to appeal or request a review of the decision made at a hearing by the hearing tribunal.
If you require any assistance with the complaint process, contact the College at