The Alberta College of Paramedics would like to extend a congratulations to Wyatt McLaughlin for receiving the COPR’s 2022 EMR Award of Excellence. Wyatt graduated from the Alberta Health and Safety Training Institute (AHASTI) and scored the highest mark on the COPR EMR exam in 2022 out of 541 candidates. Below is the press release from COPR and Wyatt’s full bio, along with other recipients, can be found here.
The Canadian Organization of Paramedic Regulators (COPR) is thrilled to announce the recipients of its 2022 Awards of Excellence. These awards are given to the candidate with the top mark who has successfully completed the Entry to Practice Examination from each practice level of Primary Care Paramedic, Advanced Care Paramedic and Emergency Medical Responder.
COPR would like to congratulate the following Awards of Excellence recipients:
- Tanner Lange, Primary Care Paramedic, from 1,302 candidates
- Adam Fillier, Advanced Care Paramedic, from 318 candidates
- Wyatt McLaughlin, Emergency Medical Responder, from 541 candidates
The recipients’ bios are available on the COPR website at
COPR’s Entry to Practice Examinations incorporate a rigorous test development process, ensuring that those who are certified possess sufficient competencies (e.g. knowledge, abilities, skills, attitudes and judgment) to perform important occupational activities safely and effectively.
We commend all of the candidates who successfully completed the 2022 Entry to Practice Examination and we thank the Subject Matter Experts for their help in the development of the examinations.