My name is Chris Salmon and in addition to my role as public member on Council for the Alberta College of Paramedics, I sit on the Board of the Emergency Medical Services Foundation (EMS Foundation). It is in that capacity that I am asking for your help and your support in getting the word out to your colleagues.

As many of you know, the EMS Foundation exists to enhance paramedic care for Albertans. We support pre-hospital care providers across the province by i) supporting innovation and research, ii) supporting Paramedic wellness and iii) providing community-focused programs. We are the oldest pre-hospital foundation in Canada, founded in Calgary in 1995, and have since spread out across the province to meet the needs of Alberta’s paramedics. We are not an association, but a foundation dedicated to our shared provincial profession.

This year, 2021, marks the 50th year of professional paramedicine in Alberta as marked by the first graduating paramedic class at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT). In light of that important anniversary, I am very pleased to announce that the EMS Foundation is working to realize a Provincial Fallen Paramedic Memorial on Legislature Grounds in Edmonton.

It is the expectation of every pre-hospital care practitioner that they go home at the end of their shift. Sadly, there are times when it does not happen. The EMS Foundation is seeking to construct a monument dedicated to our fallen practitioners on the south lawn of the Alberta Legislative grounds, targeting completion in late 2021. The memorial will face the setting sun.

We have considerable support for this project already, including:

“… know that I am strongly in support of this project and believe that it is vital to recognize the sacrifices paramedics have made …” – Hon. Tyler Shandro, Minister of Health

“The work our paramedics do is invaluable to the healthcare system. The Fallen Paramedic Memorial Project will ensure that the Alberta paramedics who lost their lives in the line of duty will continue to be honoured and remembered.” – Dr Verna Yiu, President and CEO Alberta Health Services

“We acknowledge the importance of the work in establishing a memorial in Alberta which will recognize practicing Paramedics who have passed away in the course of their work.” – Paramedic Chief Darren Sandbeck

“These individuals deserve to be recognized for the work they do for the public interest; especially when their work demands the ultimate sacrifice.” – Melissa Manion, President Alberta College of Paramedics

Here is how you can help:
We need feedback from you and your colleagues on the design and other aspects of the Memorial. Please visit Alberta Health Services’ Together 4 Health – – a portal created for practitioners and Albertans to stay informed regarding the project. On that website you will soon be able to vote on one of three monument renderings under consideration. When voting begins, you will also be able to provide feedback and input, as well as receive construction and project updates.

Please help us get the word out to your colleagues as well.

I am sure that you will agree this is an important project. Should you want to help the Foundation realize this project in other ways, such as by helping us connect with donors, please reach out to us via the EMS Foundation website at

Thank you for your attention and for all that you do for Albertans.

Chris Salmon, Project Sponsor, Provincial Fallen Paramedic Memorial
Emergency Medical Services Foundation