Updated March 12, 2024
Shared on behalf of Desmond Hedderson, BSc, ACP and the University of Victoria.
You are invited to participate in a nationwide study on the paramedic perspective of speech recognition technology in the pre-hospital workflow. This study is open to registered paramedics and paramedic students across Canada, and will close on April 1, 2024.
The study consists of 2 phases. Phase 1 of this study is an anonymous web-based survey (estimated 20-25 minutes to complete). The survey can be accessed via this link:
QR Code for the survey link and more information
Phase 2 includes one-on-one Zoom interviews with the principal researcher. Within the survey, you will find an Opt-in section where you can volunteer to participate in a follow-up interview.
For more information about this study:
Brief Outline
Official Invitation
If you have any questions about the project, please contact Desmond Hedderson.
Desmond Hedderson, BSc, ACP at dhedderson@uvic.ca
Karen Courtney (supervisor) at court009@uvic.ca