Updated December 8, 2023.
The Alberta College of Paramedics is pleased to be joining the new EMS standing committee which will be used to inform the Minister of Health of ongoing evaluations of the EMS system and provide recommendations.
As the College, we have a unique vantage point where we can provide valuable insight on the EMS system and profession as well as act as a conduit for information and feedback opportunities for regulated members.
The full press release and announcement can be found here.
Tim A. Ford, ACP
Shared on behalf of the Government of Alberta
Alberta Health is forming a new Alberta EMS Standing Committee (AEMSSC) and is inviting frontline paramedics to join the committee and share their valuable input to strengthen emergency medical services as announced on Nov. 28, 2023 (Strengthening emergency medical services).
Members working in the public EMS system can submit their expression of interest to participate on the AEMSSC committee or subcommittee members at the link available here. Expressions of interest will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. December 15, 2023.
An information sheet about the committee and participants role is available here. If you have any questions about AEMSSC, please contact: emsadvisorycommittee@gov.ab.ca.
The personal information you provide as part of the application process is being used to ensure membership representation across a broad range of experience, location, and practice levels and may be used to identify members for AEMSSC including core committee, subcommittees, or adhoc working groups, as necessary.
The information provided is collected under the authority of sections 33 (c) of the FOIP Act and will be retained in accordance with the Government of Alberta Information Management Regulations for a period of six months. The information will be used in accordance with the provisions of the FOIP Act and also will be used to follow up with Committee or Subcommittee members if required. Should you have any questions about the collection and use of this information, please contact: emsadvisorycommittee@gov.ab.ca.