Work on the transition to the new member portal is going very well, and we are very happy to announce the upcoming timeline for phase one of the transition to the Alinity platform, offered by Alberta-based SoftWorks Group Inc.
It is expected the majority of information will be transitioned to the new member portal by the end of January 2022. This means, that from now until February some features in the member portal will be unavailable at different times to accommodate a smooth transition to the new member portal and ensure data integrity. To be as transparent as possible throughout this transition, the College will provide updates as soon as they become available.
For regulated members, please watch your email, the website and the College’s social media channels for news.
For applicants applying for registration, you must complete your registration no later than January 15. No new applications will be accepted between January 10 and February 1. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience.
For stakeholders, please note that there will be a period of time during which the Verify a Member search will be offline. If you need immediate assistance confirming the status of a regulated member, please email
The following schedule is based on the best-case scenario and could change on short notice.
Timeline of the transition and what will be unavailable:
- Claiming Continuing Competence credits are currently unavailable and will remain unavailable until the new member portal launches in February 2022. This only applies to putting the credits already earned for 2021/2022 in your member portal. You can still access the list of approved CE courses on the public side of the website under Practice and Learning à Continuing Competence.
- January 21, 2022 until January 30, 2022 there will be no access to the member portal as this will be the time when everything will be shifting from the current portal to the new one.
- During this time, there will also be no access to the Verify a Member tool on the website.
- February 1, 2022 will be the first day when the new portal and Verify a Member will be available for use
How will I log into the new member portal?
More instructions on how you will access your new profile in the member portal will be provided directly to you.
As mentioned, this timeline is based on the best-case scenario and as with major changes, delays may happen. We will continue to provide updates as more information is available. If you have any questions, please email