Following consultation with healthcare colleges and the Alberta Federation of Regulated Health Professions, the Minister of Health has approved the proposed plan regarding the implementation of Bill 46: HEALTH STATUTES AMENDMENT ACT, 2020 (NO. 2).
Bill 46 was announced in the summer of 2020 and received royal assent in December. The changes within the Bill are substantial; however, at this time we are focusing on the sections that apply to the upcoming changes that will affect the Health Professions Act. (click here to read Bill 46 the section respecting the Health Professions Act is Part 4 and begins on page 130/220).
The Bill 46 implementation plan approved by the Minister follows a two-phased approach:
- Phase one includes provisions to require colleges to cease the functions of a professional association; provisions to enable amalgamation of colleges; and the establishment of the public registry. Phase one will be implemented by the end of December 2021.
- Phase two includes provisions that require the development of new or amended professional regulations, college standards of practice and bylaws for all Colleges. Phase two will be implemented by the end of December 2022.
Implementing Bill 46 creates the foundation that will allow efficiencies for all Colleges moving forward. However, it requires dedicated effort and resources from Colleges, the Federation and the Department of Health to be successful.
The College mission is to regulate the paramedic profession together in the service of Albertans. We remain committed to working together with our valued stakeholders in government, other regulatory healthcare professions and colleges, as well as our members to ensure a smooth implementation over the coming 20 months.