The Health Statutes Amendment Act (Bill 46) was approved in December 2020 and included a suite of amendments to the Health Professions Act (HPA). One of the changes will be the removal of the Restricted Activities sections (16-18) from the Paramedic Professions Regulation (PPR) and the transition of these sections into the HPA as well as a new regulation authorized by the Lieutenant Governor. These changes are anticipated to be completed by the beginning of 2023 and all regulatory colleges will be required to have a Standard of Practice to coincide with the legislative changes. The College currently has Standards on (4.1) Restricted Activities and (3.3) Supervision of Restricted Activities. However, the College has merged these Standards and revised and updated them to reflect the necessary amendments initiated by Bill 46.
As part of the Health Professions Act (HPA), the College is required to consult with regulated members of the profession on changes to the Standards of Practice. The College is now opening the consultation period on the New Continuing Competence Standards of Practice.
This Standard is to be used as a guiding document that clarifies the expectations and requirements of performance and supervision of restricted activities. Regulated members must review to ensure that they understand these expectations.
Consultation on this Standard is required to ensure the clarity of the Standard and the expectations for regulated members. The College has no authority on the actual list of restricted activities and cannot make any changes to the wording of activities or adding/removing to the current list.
We invite your review and comments on the proposed new Standard of Practice by October 3, 2022.
The Proposed Standard document can be found here and all feedback can be submitted through the Standards of Practice feedback form.