A major focus for Council over the past year was the development of a multi-year strategic plan to guide the College in the execution of its mandate in a constantly evolving regulatory environment. The strategic plan consists of the College’s core ideology including the purpose, mission and values, and the goals and objectives set by Council.

Our core ideology represents the College’s reason for being and how we choose to execute that purpose, through our mission and by living the related values over the long term. Our core ideology will rarely change, transcending Council composition and emergent issues.

The elements of our strategy are:

PURPOSE   Ensure public trust and safety through the regulation of the paramedic profession.
The purpose is why the College exists. It captures our morals and defines our organization to its core.

MISSION   Provide oversight to the paramedic profession through governance and regulatory excellence
The mission is what we, as a College, do in execution of our purpose. It captures the goal of the College as we move into the future and helps shape our decisions.  


  • Accountability We will be accountable in fulfilling our regulatory functions.
  • Consistency We will be consistent in the application of rules, regulations and processes.
  • Collaboration We will collaborate and engage with our stakeholders.
  • Transparency We will be open and transparent with our policies and processes.

The values represent the core characteristics that are fundamental to how we do what we do and how we’re expected to do what we do.

Goals and Objectives 
These goals are set by Council and are the guiding imperatives for setting priorities, developing programs, advancing activities and the guiding the operations of the College.

  1. Advance the profession
    • Maintain and enhance updated information on professional development opportunities for members on the College website and other channels.
    • Support the attraction of new and diverse candidates to the profession to ensure the next generation of competent practitioners
    • Align education standards with best practices in the profession.
  2. Build productive and collaborative relationships
    • Increase engagement with our regulated members.
    • Develop our existing government relationships and national presence to further shape the delivery of healthcare.
    • Commit to pursuing alignment and collaboration with key stakeholders in developing and adopting national practice guidelines.
    • Increase communication and information sharing with employers.
  3. Communicate the role of the College
    • Improve understanding of the role of the College with regulated members.
    • Ensure public awareness by being accessible and informative to Albertans in our role of protecting the public interest by providing clear information, process and educational resources.
    • Continue the conversation around what constitutes a regulated member and the impact on public safety when unregulated individuals provide medical services.
    • Increase awareness on professional conduct and our complaints process.
  4. Ensure the internal effectiveness of the College
    • Maintain our commitment to our regulatory mandate through excellence in registration practices.
    • Uphold high standards of education by administering our robust program approval process.
    • Commit to continuous improvement of governance practices.
    • Maintain and enhance our financial practices and reporting systems.
    • Maintain and enhance our IT security practices.
    • Ensure the long-term stability of the College by attracting and retaining high quality staff.
    • Improve our onboarding process for new members of Council and committees including ongoing development and education.
    • Continuously pursue best practices in operational and regulatory activities through effective collaboration with the regulatory community.
    • Maintain our comprehensive conduct processes while continuing our commitment to a fair and transparent investigation and hearing process.
  5. Understand the Environmental, Social and Governance impact of the College
    • Maintain our commitment to adhere to ESG principles within the College.
    • Promote diversity and inclusion in the development and delivery of College processes and procedures.
    • Promote diversity and inclusion on the College Council.
  6. Support our members’ wellbeing and mental health to ensure Albertans receive the highest level of care
    • Continue to build a robust list of educational resources of mental health and wellbeing programs and supports for members.
    • Foster a supportive regulatory environment for members impacted by physical and mental health issues.

If you have questions about the new strategic plan or any of the College’s operations, contact communications@ABparamedics.com.