Over the past six months the College has been collecting feedback from new applicants as they apply on how the application process can be improved and what steps should be made clearer during the process. With the new feedback, the College has updated and uploaded new registration handbooks to the College website. These handbooks give a full list of requirements that all applicants must meet and what steps need to be taken throughout the application process. The handbooks are easily accessible on the College website and through the member portal. There is one handbook for Alberta Education applicants and one for Labour Mobility applicants.
Ethics and Jurisprudence Exam
All applicants must now successfully pass the Ethics and Jurisprudence Exam. This exam helps ensure all regulated members have a solid understanding of the different elements of the regulatory framework that guides practice.
It highlights self-regulation and how legislation, Standards of Practice, the Code of Ethics, Bylaws and College policies impact how regulated members are required to practice. Awareness of Alberta jurisprudence assists regulated members in upholding public safety and helps ensure the provision of safe and ethical care.
Sexual Assault and Misconduct involving Patients prevention training
During the 2020/2021 Continuing Competence cycle this was a mandatory Continuing Education training requirement that all regulated members must complete. This was a course that was introduced under Bill 21: An Act to Protect Patients that made changes to the Health Professions Act (HPA) in 2019. Moving forward, all new applicants must complete this training and present a copy of the certificate as a part of registration with the College.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Registration team at registration@ABparamedics.com.