Please note, this information was current as of August 16, 2022 and the courses listed below may have been updated or changed. Please refer to the up to date list of CE activities provided here or in your member portal.

The Continuing Competence program is an opportunity for members to develop their professional practice in areas of personal interest and growth. The Competence Committee has developed a list of Continuing Education activities that fall into various themes that members might find personal interest in learning about. Careers in paramedicine can be incredibly stressful and leave practitioners dealing with the effects of the job. In an effort to help members that are dealing with stress related to employment, we have compiled a list of resources that can also be used towards continuing education credits.  

The following are CE activities that are focused on operational stress 

Before Operational Stress by Wayfound (24 credits)
Registration code GEN2022

  • BOS is a resiliency-based program that empowers public safety employees to take charge of their mental health.  The program uniquely combines theoretical and experiential learning procedures to mitigate the effects of operational stress.  
  • Free until the end of October 


  • Mental Health and Resilience for Healthcare Workers (24 credits) 
    • This course will help institutions and individuals better manage the mental health challenges of being a healthcare worker. 
    • This course is free 
    • This course will help institutions and individuals better manage the mental health challenges of being a healthcare worker. 
  • #talkmentalillness (48 credits) 
    • #talkmentalillness curates the interviews from the Mental Health Experts series into an accessible learning experience that will help you have conversations about mental health. Talking about mental illness is both the content and desired outcome of this course, as you will use what you learn from the interviews with mental health experts to guide your own discussions about mental health challenges and treatments with family members, friends, colleagues, and other people in your life. 
    • This course is free 
  • Positive Psychiatry and Mental Health (60 credits) 
    • In this course, we will explore different aspects of good mental health as well as provide an overview of the major kinds of mental disorders, their causes, treatments and how to seek help and support. 
    • This course is free 
  • Positive Psychology: Resilience Skills (57 credits) 
    • Learn how to incorporate resilience interventions into your personal and professional life with Dr. Karen Reivich. In this course, you are exposed to the foundational research in resilience, including protective factors such as mental agility and optimism. 
    • This course has a 7-day free trial 

 When entering these Coursera courses in for CE credits in the member portal, search “university” and select the option that has the coordinating hours for the course taken. 

  • 1-8 hrs = 24 credits 
  • 9-12 hrs = 36 credits 
  • 13-16 hrs = 48 credits 
  • 17-19 hrs = 57 credits 
  • 20+ hrs = 60 credits 


10-8 CME  

  • Mental Health for First Responders (6 credits) 
    • Course objectives include: recognize that first responders are at an increased risk of developing a mental illness over the course of their careers; recognize re-experiencing, avoidance, arousal and reactivity, and cognition and mood symptoms as they relate to post traumatic stress disorder; identify signs and symptoms of depression; recognize when to seek help or encourage others to seek help when dealing with mental health. 

You can view the previous Continuing Competence articles: 

  • Free and online 
  • Substance use disorders 
  • Mental health 
  • Pediatrics and geriatrics medicine 

If you have any questions about Continuing Competence and the courses listed above, please contact