Welcome to Summer! It looks like the nice weather is finally here to stay and I hope you all get a chance to enjoy it with friends and family over the next few months. During the AMM, I mentioned that in the coming weeks you might notice changes to the appearance of your practice permit. I’m happy to announce that those changes will appear effective immediately.
For a little bit of context, back in 2016, when we first came under the HPA, there was a decision made to include a large list of “prohibitive conditions” on members’ permits, most of these on the PCPs permits. At the time, the regulations authorized PCPs to perform a number of restricted activities that they were not properly educated to perform, so the decision was made to use “prohibitive conditions” and display this on the PCP practice permit. The changes you may notice, are that these “prohibitive conditions” which you are not properly trained in, will no longer appear on your practice permit.
I would like to be clear that removing these from your permit DOES NOT grant permission to perform these activities or change your scope of practice. You are still required to practice within your scope including limiting yourself to only performing activities you are properly trained in and competent to perform.
This change is happening for several reasons. First, the way we used to use these “prohibitive conditions” no longer aligns with the way the HPA now defines permit conditions. The second is that the use of these prohibitive conditions was not applied consistently across all designations and education types. And finally, this demonstrates that the regulator is viewing all its members as true health care professionals by allowing them more autonomy in their practice. You will now be responsible for knowing what restricted activities that you are authorized and capable of performing, rather than relying on a list of conditions on the back of your permit.
In your portal, under the My Profile page, you will find a listing of approved training is available for any restricted activity you are not authorized to perform. You will also find information on the training, which once completed, will provide you with the authorization to perform said activity.
So, what will appear on your permit?
All regulated members have a statement on their permit ‘The performance of any restricted activity must align with the College’s Standards of Practice’. This statement applies in particular to SoP 4.1.2, where we remind our members that “Despite any authorization to perform restricted activities, regulated members must restrict themselves to performing only the restricted activities that they are competent to perform, and those which are clinically relevant”. All regulated members will also have a section on their permit which is titled Requirement for Active Permit and under that will say ‘Liability Insurance Policy listed on profile must be valid’. This is an HPA requirement that I have placed on all permits to ensure membership compliance with the legislation.
Additionally, you may still have conditions on your permit, but these will be placed either by the Conduct department or Registrar. For example, a condition I may place on your permit would be the requirement to practice under supervision. This would come from an assessment by either myself or the Conduct department that you must work under supervision and would be discussed with you prior to placing it on your permit.
I understand that for some of you, you may not notice any difference to your permit and therefore this is not entirely relevant to you. While for others, it may seem like a big difference. The College has put together some FAQs on this change. We are also available and happy to answer any questions/concerns you may have by contacting us at either registration@ABparamedics.com or practice@ABparamedics.com.
I would like to close with a reminder that renewal is approaching fast. Now is your opportunity to complete all your continuing competence requirements with plenty of time to spare. The College frequently posts CE opportunities, with the most recent being an article including a list of free and online activities. I encourage you all to take a look and see if any of these courses pique your interest.
Stay safe and take care,
Tim A. Ford,