Under the Health Professions Act, half of Council members are elected from the regulated membership and serve as subject matter experts for the profession as the Council carries out the functions of governance and oversight of all decisions made for paramedics such as approval of education programs, College budget and fees, and changes to key regulatory processes within the HPA.
Your voter information will come to the email you have listed on your profile in the member portal. Please make sure it is up to date and that you are not over your limit for emails. Please note: if you are using an employer-provided email address instead of a personal email address (like gmail or yahoo) you may experience issues receiving your link to vote.
Your voter information will include both the general link to the site and your credentials to vote; as well as a one-click link that will take you to your ballot. Either will work the same way.
To view this year’s candidates, please visit the College website
All results will be validated by Simply Voting and shared with the College. The results will be shared with the membership at large through the Pulse and on the College website on August 16, once all candidates have been informed.
If you have any questions, please email communications@ABparamedics.com.
For more information on the elections and voting process, click here.