The Continuing Competence program is an opportunity for members to develop their professional practice in areas of personal interest and growth.
Below is a compiled list focusing on obstetrical medicine that can also be used towards continuing education credits.
24/7 EMS
- Obstetrics & Childbirth (3 credits)
- Pregnancy: Medical Emergencies (3 credits)
Action Training
- EMR Obstetrics & Neonatal Care (3 credits)
Executive Links
- Drug Use in Pregnancy Series Bundle
- Identifying Drugs & Symptoms of Use (6 credits)
- Red Flags & Care of Newborn (6 credits)
- Mom is the Medicine (6 credits)
- Obstetric Cardiac Arrest (3 credits)
- Obstetrical Assessments (3 credits)
- Obstetrical Emergencies Advanced (6 credits)
- Obstetrical Emergencies Basic (3 credits)
You can view the previous Continuing Competence articles:
- Free and online
- Substance use disorders
- Mental health
- Pediatrics and geriatrics medicine
- Operational stress
- Last minute options
- Diversity and Inclusion in Healthcare
- Quality and safety
- Environmental Medicine
If you have any questions about Continuing Competence and the courses listed above, please contact